Envelope Back
Envelope Back - Your Clinic Name
Envelope Back - Street Address
* Envelope Back - City, State Zip
Envelope Front
* Envelope Front - Your Clinic Name
* Envelope Front - Street Address
* Envelope Front - City, State Zip
Inside of Card
Inside of Card - Your Clinic Name
Select one
V01 Holiday
V02 Holiday
V03 Holiday
V04 Holiday
V05 Holiday
V06 Holiday
V07 Holiday
V08 Holiday
Custom Message
No Message
Would you like a signature page added to your card? Click Upload Graphics above to add your signatures one at a time yourself. Click Here for Instructions .
If you would like one of our designers to create your signature page check the "yes" below and you will be contacted with instructions. ($79.00 charge will be applied to your order)
Click on the text in the preview area to change the font, size and color.
If you are having problems click here for a short demo video.
Please remember that we don't review your documents so double-check your spelling, text size and alignment before placing your order. Also, you can expect a degree of color variation since computer monitors are not all the same quality. You will not be receiving an email proof - THIS IS YOUR PROOF
* Signature Page Yes/No
Yes, SKU 1450239CH
Card Front
* Card Front - Your Clinic Name
* Front Imprinting - Front Imprint Yes/No
Yes, SKU 1101910CH
LiveArt Design ID
Envelope Imprinting
* Would you like your envelopes imprinted with your clinic name and address? ($10.00 charge will be applied to your order)
Yes, SKU 1410204CH
No Imprint
* Front or Back Flap?
Envelope Front
Envelope Back
I have reviewed the entries for accuracy